Design and Fabrication of Triangular Patch Antenna for Airborne Radar Applications

Conference: Advances in Robotics, Mechanical Engineering and Communication
Author(s): S.Rohan Sai, S.Sai Vishal Reddy, Kamlesh Kumar Year: 2018
Grenze ID: 02.ARMEC.2018.7.4 Page: 8-16


For airborne applications, onboard antennas should have minimal weight and\nshould be of low cost while maintaining optimal functioning over a wide spectrum of\nfrequencies. An equilateral triangular patch antenna is designed, fabricated and tested as it is\nlight-weight and cost effective. This antenna has been designed for operation in S-Band at a\nfrequency of 2.4 GHz. Micro-strip Line Feeding technique is employed with a quarter wave\ntransformer to impedance match the load and the transmission line to reduce losses in power\nand the results of the performance of the antenna are simulated using CEM software.


ARMEC - 2018