Heart Attack Intimation and Easy Monitoring System using IoT

Conference: International Joint Conferences on Advances in Engineering and Technology
Author(s): A. Kodieswari, H. Anandakumar, R. Arulmurugan Year: 2018
Grenze ID: 02.AET.2018.1.506 Page: 16-20


IoT is a system of connecting things (Computing Devices, Objects, Peoples, Animals etc) to the internet and\ntransfers the data over the network without the human to human and human to computer interaction. The idea behind the IoT\nis to design smart devices in such a way to utilize every bit of data that we use and share in our everyday life. IoT connected\nin various applications as smart home, wearable, connected cars, Industrial internet, Smart cities, Agriculture, Smart Retail,\nhealthcare etc. This paper utilizes the application of healthcare for monitoring the heart attack symptoms and intimating to\ntheir family/friends circle. Wearable sensors were used to monitor the parameters like glucose level, pressure, heart beat and\ndisplay the symptoms in LCD. When the abnormal condition is detected the alert message is send to the health care center\nwith the location of the person using GSM/GPS technology and to family/friend circle. The main purpose of GSM/GPS is to\nprovide the easy healthcare for patients in remote areas. The proposed work reduces the time, easy to reach the patient, helps\nto track the patient current condition by the doctors, and creates self-awareness for the individual. A heart attack is a world \'It\nhelps to save many lives by alert messages whenever the abnormality is observed and reaches the patients.


AET - 2018