More Smoke More Energy- Air-O-G II: Energy from thePollutant

Conference: Recent Trends in Information Processing, Computing, Electrical and Electronics
Author(s): Akhila V H, Anila V H Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.IPCEE.2017.1.14_1 Page: 549-552


India is home to four of the five cities in the world with the worst air pollution. With an annual average PM 2.5\nlevel of 122 μg/m³, Delhi’s air is the worst among global megacities with dense populations, as IndiaSpend reported in\nOctober 2016 based on WHO data. WHO experts acknowledge India faces a \"huge challenge\". Common causes of air\npollution include too many cars, especially diesel-fueled vehicles, the heating and cooling of big buildings, waste\nmanagement, agriculture and the use of coal or diesel generators for power. In this paper we propose an idea to reduce the\nemission of hazardous exhausts from the vehicles and large factories, were we include a mechanism to absorb the out coming\nhazardous exhausts within the system such that these doesn’t enter into the earth’s environment. The resulting non-hazardous\nexhaust from our system can be intelligibly utilized to generate electricity for the self-consumption purpose.


IPCEE - 2017