A Review on Residue Module Arithmetic’s Adder and Sub-tractor using Reversible Gate

Conference: Recent Trends in Information Processing, Computing, Electrical and Electronics
Author(s): Pragya Mishra, Nishi Pandey, Neelesh Gupta Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.IPCEE.2017.1.35 Page: 220-228


Due to the increasing spread of digital computing, investigation of various number representation systems in\nthe digital field seems necessary. In general, the number representation systems regarding their applications can be classified\nin two areas: general-purpose and specific-purpose. Binary Digit Residue Number System (BD-RNS) is one of the\nspecific-purpose and optimized number system.\nIn Residue Number System-based systems, how to select moduli set and evaluate its performance is an important issue.\nThe objective of this study is to propose a systemic performance evaluation method for RNS based on the properties of\nmoduli set. By abstracting the inherent properties of moduli sets, such as the complexity of arithmetic units, utilization\nratio of dynamic range, parallelism and balance between residue channels, this method can provide advices on moduli set\nselection and carry out performance estimation before circuit’s implementation.


IPCEE - 2017