Enhancement of Work Efficiency in an Organization by Applying Ergonomics and Sound Waves Sessions

Conference: Recent Trends in Information Processing, Computing, Electrical and Electronics
Author(s): Anu Jain, Ankit Gupta, Sachin jain, Aditya Vidyarthi Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.IPCEE.2017.1.3 Page: 15-23


The majority of organizations are competing to survive in this volatile and fierce marketenvironment. Motivation\nand performance of the employees with ergonomics are essential tools for the success of any organization in the long run. On\nthe one hand, measuring performance is critical to organizations.\nManagement of the employees and behavior study as it highlights the evolution and achievement of the organization. On the\nother hand, there is a positive relationship between employee management and organizational effectiveness, reflected in\nnumerous studies. This paper aims to analyze the drivers of employee brain enhancement and human comfort by applying\nergonomics to high levels of organizational performance by the help of vibrational analysis of brain and Ergonomics\ntechniques. The literature shows that factors such as empowerment and recognition increase employee brain potential and\nhelp to improve efficiency in work place.\nIf the empowerment and recognition of employees is increased, their efficiency to work will also improve, as well as their\naccomplishments and the organizational performance. Nevertheless, employeedissatisfactions caused by monotonous jobs\nand pressure from clients, might weaken the organizationalperformance. Therefore, jobs absenteeism rates may increase and\nemployees might leave the organization tojoint competitors that offer better work conditions and higher incentives. Not all\nindividuals are the same, soeach one should be motivated using different strategies. For example, one employee may be\nmotivated byhigher commission, while another might be motivated by job satisfaction or a better work environment.


IPCEE - 2017