Conference: Creative Trends in Engineering and Technology
AbstractSemantic web prefetching makes use of the semantics of the keywords provided by the user for making\npredictions. These keywords can be descriptive texts like anchor texts, texts surrounding anchor texts, titles or simple\ntext of the content. For finding the relation between two webpages, semantic information can be used. Semantic\ninformation is embedded within the web pages during their designing for the purpose of reflecting the relationship\nbetween the web pages. The client can fetch this information from the server. However, this technique involves load on\nweb designers for adding external tags and on server for providing this information along with the desired page, which is\nnot desirable. We are trying to find the semantic relation between web pages using the keywords provided by the user\nand the anchor texts of the hyperlinks on the present web page. Various semantic relations are: sequential (seq), similar\n(sim), cause-effective (ce), implication (imp), subtype (st), instance (ins), referential (ref). Their priorities are in the\norder: seq>sim>ce>imp>st>ins>ref. This paper presents algorithms for finding sequential and similar relations between\nweb pages in order to improve the performance of web prefetching with no overhead on designers and load on server.\nThese algorithms are to be implemented on the client side. These algorithms do not involve any overhead of web\ndesigners and extra load on server. |
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