Signal Tracking Automation of LEVCON Air Data Controller

Conference: International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
Author(s): M.Yashoda, Naga Prathyusha.M, Rajesh G N Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICSIPCA.2017.1.59 Page: 368-372


In this paper, we present the simulation technique of troubleshooting a complex PCB. The simulation is carried out for SIM board which is a module present in LADC (Levcon Air Data Computer) which is being used in LCA’s (Light Compact Aircraft).SIM is a multilayered complex PCB , troubleshooting such PCB is time consuming and lot of man power is required. By using the files generated during the manufacturing process of a PCB a software code is developed using the tool Visual Basics. The front end design includes a scanned picture of a SIM PCB and lists which shows the complete test cases, signal flow, signal name, and components which are under the particular selected test case. This paper also presents the expected voltage values of the components being selected. This analysis will reduce time required for trouble shooting process, cost and man power involved. This technique can be implemented for any general PCB.


ICSIPCA - 2017