Intelligent Parking and Toll System Using IoT “IParkAT”

Conference: International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
Author(s): Gayathri G, M Swathi, Monisha D, Monisha Jayaker, K Ezhilarasan Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICSIPCA.2017.1.57 Page: 353-359


Rising traffic congestion is an unavoidable condition in growing metropolitan areas across the world. Since, the majority of people use personal vehicle to commute, finding a parking space is a tedious task. Currently, the parking and toll system is semiautomated everywhere. This paper introduces a solution to cope with the mobility problem by using “Smart cards” incorporated with IoT to completely eliminate human intervention and alleviate traffic congestion. To facilitate this, a user-friendly website is proposed that displays 3 webpages i.e., to book a parking slot, to recharge the “Smart cards” and to view the Toll transactions. The hardware portion of this prototype consists of a system with sensor networks that communicate with the website to update the database.


ICSIPCA - 2017