New Approach to Road Detection in Challenging Outdoor Environment for Vehicles

Conference: International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation
Author(s): PavanKumar.E, Navyatha.C.V, Ranjitha.S, Supriya.K, Varsha .P. Shetty Year: 2017
Grenze ID: 02.ICSIPCA.2017.1.31 Page: 192-196


The challenge part in roads have irregularities due to the presence of certain path holes, faded lanes and obstacles hence to hand these challenges need a intelligent system. In this concern, we are proposing a edge detector, corners and lanes of the roads using different algorithm. The earlier proposed systems were giving good results where there are straight lane roads, but they failed in case of curved lane roads especially during night. A new color feature technique is introduced in order to detect the boundaries, edges and path holes of the roads and also for enhancing the quality of the images of the roads. Our main focus on designing algorithm which capture, the input with the camera mounted on the semi-automated vehicle. Our system also detect the obstacles which on a way to vehicles the driver will be alerted by the alert system. Thus the driver can re-route or reduce the speed of the vehicle to overcome the obstacles.


ICSIPCA - 2017