Analysis of The Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on Brain using Approximate Entropy

Conference: Sixth International Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing
Author(s): Smitha C K, Narayanan N K Year: 2015
Grenze ID: 02.ITC.2015.6.81_22 Page: 207-214


The concern about the adverse effects of mobile phone radiation on the nervous system has increased due to the drastic increase of mobile phone usage. The mean value of Approxiate entropies of EEG data set with and without phone is compared with mean entropy of data set prepared with EEGs of patients having brain function abnormalities namely epilepsy and slowing. Average value of the entropy for phone usage is found in between the mean value of the data set for epileptic and slowing abnormalities. ANOVA test is used to compare the features of different conditions in EEG data set with and without phone. The test result is significant only for some of the channels. We tried to relate the affected area of brain under significant electodes to the Brodmann’s area in the cerebral cortex. Approximate functions and traits controlled by these Brodmann’s area under significant electrodes are also described. The mean values of approximate entropies of signals at different conditions spans in the range of mean of the value of the feature set at rest + std deviation.


ITC - 2015